Managing & Leading Self

  • Interview Training

  • Personal Effectiveness 

  • Presentation Skills

  • Influencing Skills

  • Stress Management

  • Personal Coaching

Interview Training

One hour can change your career and sometimes your life, so preparing for interviews is a good investment of time.
Interview preparation is about
  • Maximising the relevance of your career experience
  • "Selling" your capabilities in a short time period in a face to face or Zoom interview
  • Being prepared for every type of interview, from competency based to strategy presentation

Personal Effectiveness

Personal effectiveness is a level of competency that incorporates a mastery of the elements of emotional intelligence. It’s the ability to leverage personal strengths, identify traits that may hold you back and move away from reactivity or auto-pilot when navigating challenges.  Personal effectiveness is a continuous process.  It means different things at different stages of your career. We work with people at every stage in that journey.

Presentation Skills

Presentations are an integral part of most peoples roles.  Some people enjoy giving presentations, for others it's a necessary evil!  We work with clients to help develop their presentations, from a blank page to the end result, as well as giving them skills and tools to enable them to present with confidence and impact.

Influencing Skills

Influencing is where you don’t just want to convey a message to your audience, you want to instigate change or movement in a direction on a particular point or way of thinking. Influencing is the capacity to ‘bring people with you’. It's the ability to get people to open their minds to new ways of thinking and alternative possibilities. We enhance people's skills, techniques and approaches in making that transition from being a good communicator to been able to influence.

Stress Management

To manage stress you need to understand the difference between Pressure and Stress and good versus bad pressure. Some of the areas we look at are:
  • Knowing why stress kicks in and preventative methods to stop that happening
  • The role of positive thinking, thought awareness and rational thinking in managing pressure / stress
  • Perfectionism and managing negative impacts

Personal Coaching

There are times in our lives and careers when we can feel we have lost our way or think we could be more effective or know there’s an easier way to do things but you don’t know where to start. We work with people at every stage of their career, to help them to be the best them they can be from both a life and career perspective.


If you would like information on how we assist people to enhance each of these areas please contact us. We will develop a session or programme that is specific and relevant to you.